Our Initiatives


We have a tree-planting program, where we produce seedlings and sell to farmers at a subsidized price. Our Tree seedbeds are in Kapsabet Area of Nandi County.   We work in conjunction with Kenya Forest Service and KEPHIS as sources of high-quality seed and consultancy in the production of a variety of seedlings both exotic and indigenous. In Kenya, through the Tree Biotechnology Project (TBP) and the Genetic Technologies Limited(GTL), we have been able to embrace the major technology advancements on the supply side intended to accelerate afforestation and ensure an adequate and sustainable supply of Eucalyptus trees. They have availed technology of Mass-Production through clonal propagation of plants pre-selected for quality such as fast growth, consistent growth, superior fibre strength qualities and resistance to diseases and pests. This is done through collaboration with South African Institute ( Mondi Forest Ltd).